I stopped writing posts after Trump was elected and the subsequent chaos and ugliness that followed. I was determined to contribute what ever I had to add to the conversation about being human. It did not format into blogposts. I felt too confused by the immensity of strife and loss. I went local, found ways to help my community and to connect. I worked on completing my book, Meet Me at The Crossroad of Memory and Desire and wrote while mad and sad, when roughed up and when at peace. And I focused on my patients.
Much of what I write about has been gleaned during my many years with my patients. A rich palette of life has entered my door. It takes time to become known by another. Whenever I feel an urgency to hurry thorugh, I actually need to slow down and open to the wise confusion that is between my patient and me. That is something I can do… a small contribution to the troubled and precious planet that we share.