The Story Shared ……… Transforms

I will tell you something about stories
 [he said]
They aren’t just entertainment.
 Don’t be fooled.
They are all we have you see,
        all we have to fight off illness and death
You don’t have anything
if you don’t have stories.
He rubbed his belly.
I keep them here
[he said]
Here, put your hand on it
See, it is moving
There is life here
for the people.
And in the belly of this story
the rituals and ceremony are still growing.
(Fragments of the Poem; “Ceremony” by Leslie Marmon Silko )
In my room 
filled with color and symbols 
light through the window tops
A life narrative 
kept closed  in a drawer
The story now old 
is still  alive in the belly.
Still gnaws 
Still surprises. 
I set 
as  it settles
in the air between us
in the creases of our skin
 in the   staccato
rhythm of  our breath. this is not a mere telling
this is not a mere listening

there is nothing mere…. here

this is.

Seja Rachael 18/23/11



2 thoughts on “The Story Shared ……… Transforms

  1. Beautiful poem, Seja. Really captures what is without overly describing it…. Hope to read more.

  2. Thanks you Jennifer. You are the first brave person who has commented on the blog itself. Psychotherapy for me is such a rich mixture of the real and the ephemeral. (Real caring, real understanding real confusion, but also something else cellular, magic, a co- creation. )

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