I write this post just before my new group begins . We have met only a short while but already it has impacted me. Initially I am the catalyst. I gather the people. I meet with them and take the time needed to to prepare them for the deeply evocative nature of creating group intimacy. In time groups become their own little worlds , little towns , a community of sorts composed of a unique variety of members. When a group begins it is so fragile in it’s coming to be. It appears sentimental to suggest it is like buds just coming out after a hard winter. But nature demands resilience and innate determination. That’s the image that comes to me now in this early stage , this new beginning. How delicate and demanding it is to be a relational human. Maybe that image is too pretty a one. Because there is not only beauty. That is the inherent power of group. For if there is beauty, there is also sacred ugliness to contend with. It’s as if there is a cauldron in the group center , sometimes gently warming, sometimes cold, sometimes hot and boiling. This unique gathering of people will in time discover how to alchemize much of the elements contained there. Not everything and not perfectly, but enough to provide potentially profound change. I still find this miraculous.