The origins and nature of an inner persecutor is unique to the individual. This post continues to examine what may result when the primary caretakers / parents of a child reverse the roles, so that the child becomes responsible for the well being of the parent and therefore made to feel selfish and destructive if their own needs ever take primacy.
Consider the almost unbearable dilemma this places on the child. There is a lie that is ever perpetuated by all. The fantasy is that the child can never have inconvenient needs while the caretakers may have incessant needs. Nothing can alter the reality that even the most competent child is dependent and needy. This developmental reality is a secret threat to the illusion that the child is forced to maintain.
“Caregiving” children are often wily survivors developing coping skills prematurely and in their child way, trying over and over making sense of an experience that doesn’t make sense. The inner persecutor is the internal guard/ judge, critic/ trickster/ ruler, which keeps the child safe by keeping the child ever compliant to shape to the family constructs. Inner persecutors do not recognize change. Adults that are no longer compliant may still have,” inner negators,” trying to keep them safe from a danger that no longer exists.