I was driving down a small road and came upon a cemetery and was struck by this sadly sweet remembrance for a child. As spring finds it way in my little city, there are buds and flowers everywhere. This gentle weather has initiated much activity. All around me, people are running in new gear, the homeless on the roadside are experiencing some relief at least, dogs are wagging their tails and sniffing fervently, but that is not all of it. Many faiths commemorate this time as a transitional state from the interior, reflective,survival beingness of winter, to the hopeful budding of Spring. Both are essential. The Tslagi, (The Cherokee), during the First New Moon Spring Ceremony , extinguish all the home fires from the sacred fire coals and then rekindle them.
The old fire goes out and the new fire is lit. Passover, (pesach) was originally associated with lambing, and calving. This elaborate ritual is all about the tempestuous process of loss and gain involved in any meaningful crossing over. Grief and Celebration are faithful twins, neither will abandon the other for long. So if Spring is here for you, enjoy, and if the grey skies are closer to your current essence be tender and available for the new emergence when it’s ready. *