In my last two posts I reflected on the phenomenon of “The Little World”, that is generated through the metamorphosis of group therapy participants becoming intimates and developing a unique community devoted to their healing growth. I included a photo that I made to illustrate this concept, which was composed of symbols that I collected from my (sandplay collection) of miniatures. I was deliberate in the manner in which I made my choices allowing my logic, (i.e. “What symbol representations address the concepts most specifically .”) and my intuition, ( “What symbol calls to me.”), to interact and integrate their different orientations, and this emboldened me to make choices. The result was documented in this photo, which then was offered to you, my readers. I refer to this in detail to examine the activation of the creative process. This process is comprised of a dialectic, incorporating surrender and deliberation. When I refer to creativity within the realm of group process, I am not only referring to creative art therapy exercises, I am also referring to what can happen when group participants engage this distinctive combination of spontaneity and consciousness in their interactions.