Radical Notion: Defy The Untrustworthy State of Our Nation by Becoming More Trustworthy Towards Each Other.

Today the Senate voted for the new Supreme Court Justice. It was a rough day in the USA, not unusual these days, a good dose of mistrust seems sensible. But distrust can become habitual and spread to those that are closest to us, adding to our heartbreak.

I needed some soul nourishment. Art usually helps and so I attended a papermaking demo by the artists Jeonghan & Choonhyang Yun. The Yuns use the ancient method of Hanji, Korean paper-making and combine this with abstract art sensibilities. The results are truly stunning, but what was equally engaging, was the delightful aliveness and strength of their connection.

Formerly artists in their own rite, they chose to merge their talent and co-create their pieces. They are each others resource and each others inspiration. Their collaboration had a fluid choreography born of each artist’s confidence in their own abilities and a equal regard and pleasure in the gifts of their co-collaborator. They enjoyed each other and made good use of each other.

This event reinforced my dedication and enjoyment in my making of art and appreciation in my work as a relationship therapist. National heartbreak can breed contagion, but maybe as those in power become more and more remote to our reality we can become more and more trustworthy towards ourselves and towards each other. Who knows what we will create together?
