Nourishing Goodbyes: Group Sandplay

Group Sandplay Process:

Saying goodbye is never easy, if it is a real goodbye.  Every goodbye echoes former losses. A cherished member of the ongoing adult  psychotherapy group was leaving.  I cannot share the actual event but I did want to  describe the  experiential that  I created in my attempt to  fortify the  connections between members  while at the same time actualizing the parting.

I placed the sand tray ( a wooden  rectangular box of approximately 28 “by 19”,  filled with very fine white sand)  in the center of our circle.  I have shelves full of symbolic miniatures; items that range from abodes to staircases  from stars to horses, from soldiers to goddesses, from babies to swords. Each member chose an object that represented their experience of the group and placed it in the tray. Then a symbol representative was chosen for each person in the group and then positioned in the sand-tray. This was a collaborative process. The thoughtful discussions that ensued as a symbol was designated for each person, was clear evidence of the inter-connectedness that had developed.  Finally the person leaving the group  took her symbol out of the tray and held it as the final goodbyes were uttered. The  room was resonant with the gentle sweetness of a vulnerable goodbye.