After twenty-five years as a practicing psychotherapist I am full to the brim with ruminations about what this work is all about. As a creative writer I wanted to approach a wide variety of related topics as an offering to others clinicians, as well as for individuals considering psychotherapy. If I have the freedom to muse this allows me to take more chances, follow flights and arrive at conclusions or epiphanies or just consider possibilities all in the service of an open pliable responsive dialogue. May this become a creative outlet, one which inspires me and inspire you, in the context of this richly inhabited territory.
(Free dictionary online):
Muse (myz)
1. Greek Mythology Any of the nine daughters of Mnemosyne and Zeus, each of whom presided over a different art or science.
2. muse
a. A guiding spirit.
b. A source of inspiration.
3. muse A poet.
Word History: The Muse has inspired English poetry since Chaucer invoked her in 1374. Muse comes from Latin Musa, from Greek Mousa. As to the further origins of this form, a clue is provided by the name of Mnemosyne, the goddess of memory and mother of the Muses. Her name is the Greek noun mnemosune “memory,” which comes from *mna,an extended form of the Greek and Indo-European root *men-, “to think.” The reconstructed form *montya that is the ancestor of Greek Mousa could then mean something like “having mental power.”
muse (myz)
v. mused, mus·ing, mus·es
To be absorbed in one’s thoughts; engage in meditation.
To consider or say thoughtfully: mused that it might take longer to drive than walk.
A state of meditation.Musing is an essential component:
I believe it’s like that, in the sweetest sense, muse and deliberate and action, and then again, muse and deliberate and action. But when the musing is relegated to an inferior position we cannot see or hear or even sense as clearly. So this is my place dedicated to musing about what occurs in me and for me and with me and my patients. To reflect on just what is created in this process of engaging with psyche and felt senses and mind, with my own and with others. I welcome your response. I hope this generates your inspiration. I invite your muse to come along.