Definition: a : competitive or opposing action of incompatibles : antagonistic state or action (as of divergent ideas, interests, or persons) a conflict of principles b : mental struggle resulting from incompatible or opposing needs, drives, wishes, or external or internal demands
When we are in conflict with ourselves, with an intimate, with our leadership, fear and anger surface more often and it is difficult to even imagine a safe harbor. How do we respond to ourselves during these difficult times? How do we respond to each other? The inequities that have always existed are becoming more pronounced. So how can we move towards connection in the midst of heartbreak? This has always been the human dilemma. There are no simple solutions, there never have been, but the problem in our nation, between each other, in ourselves is no longer repressed. If we cannot avoid this conflict in ourselves or with each other, or in our nation, we can choose the difficult frustrating and confusing option to become more intimate and alive. Artists, writers, film makers are giving voice to this, Inspired expression is coming out on media, in Marches, in poetry. Inspiration and hopelessness are in a lively struggle. When it’s all too much we can easily isolate, and become more alienated. Why not reach out and find someone who cares, rather than alienate find connection. Intimacy is a revolutionary response to an environment that fosters alienation.