Individual Psychotherapy

Individual Psychotherapy

This lively entity called individual psychotherapy is ever evolving and ever shaped by two. It is intimate and private, funny and sad, infuriating and boring and spectacular and touching. It is quite daring to face oneself unadorned and to allow another to see you as you are, without pretense.

There is accumulating evidence of what we have always suspected, our neurobiological development is concurrent with our relational development .We are dependent on connection. This interdependency is what makes this relational psychodynamic work so powerful and so imperfect.

We try to meet each other too soon or too late, timing is off or just right, there are always misses and yet with these are those moments of right meeting and they build on each other.

What forms is a many-layered felt sense and visceral knowing of you that is between us, elastic enough to stretch and reshape as you grow. These interconnections that form within you and these right meetings that happen between us extend outward enriching and expanding your own experience of life.