Many of the people that come to see me in my practice me are “creatives,” artists, musicians, writers, actors. When they enter a cycle of deep integral change and the familiar ways of approaching their life no longer offer clarity or comfort, I remind them of the cycles in a creative process.
One begins inspired, magnetically drawn towards a raw vision, brave at the onset, as one follows what seems a trustworthy course. This lasts for a blessed while and then the direction becomes more and more unclear, the way obscure and belabored. Question after question emerge and persist with no ready answers, insecurity and doubt begin to undermine any innocent bravado.

Responsiveness requires a coordinated effort a pas de deux both choreographed and improvised. Often the alchemy begins underground, there are shifts in the internal terrain until one finds oneself, oriented differently, the perspective is changed. In it’s own time the formlessness begins to re form itself into a form that is reminiscent and yet significantly changed.
TItle inspired by Brian Feldman and his article: ” Dissolving & Creating:
On the Development of Internal Space and the Capacity for Symbolization”
Journal of Jungian Theory& Practice Fall 2000
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