Creative Consciousness

I am now attempting to define consciousness which is  such a vast territory and I didn’t intend to do this.   I intended to revel in the entry way to and from the intimacy  of the self, particularly from a  psychotherapists perspective.  This was  how I would begin to substantiate that a deep and lively engagement with ourselves and with each other is a richly endowed creative process. To be alive requires artfulness, nothing is static, life surprises us all the time.

But how did I get to consciousness. Well I was already in the proximity.  In analytic psychology the  conscious and the unconscious are the alpha beta of discourse.  And I have also maintained a Buddhist  meditation practice for  I guess three decades by now. Therefore consciousness evokes associations such as insight and  moment to moment presence.  But what actually enlivened my  neural circuitry this time around was an article entitled, The Cognitive Neuroscience of Creativity, by Arne Dietrich.

So here I  am a poet and esoteric thinker and a psychotherapist that bathes in  the world of symbol and metaphor, enamored  by the thoughts of  Arne Dietrich. Well this neuroscientist is quite the artful  creative thinker. He takes leaps, gathers information from many sources, imagines possibilities  that stimulate new constructs.  in this article he refers to consciousness as a necessary factor in creativity and then proceeds to explore the brain science of consciousness and  creativity. This is where I take you next.