Dangerous Vulnerability

Feeding The Hungry As competent adults it is hard to take seriously a neediness within that feels out of context. We are adults taking care of adult  life matters, and unexpectedly a younger  more vulnerable, and less confident portion of ourselves comes forward.  This often evokes shame, insecurity, sometimes rage or self hate. When we

The Inner Persecutor

The origins and nature of an inner persecutor is  unique to  the individual.  This post continues to examine  what may result when the primary caretakers  / parents of a child  reverse the roles, so that the child becomes responsible for the well being of the parent and therefore made to feel selfish and destructive if

Raging Against Our Neediness

When dependency needs in childhood are denied, the child is made ashamed of his/her own needs repeatedly…   The rage he/she feels towards the neglectful parents is used to repress the neediness about which now even he/she has grown intolerant.   So the aggressive energies of the psyche are turned back upon the dependent aspects

On The WayTo Knowing But Not Close.

Protecting The Egg When we  allow  inner  change  to  happen we  evoke a  generative phase  in which we feel  unprotected and vulnerable.   Our  shell  is still soft and pliable .This is a inevitable  stage of growth , for change for development. But how do we take care of this  barely hatched  portion of our

Not Offering Consolation….

I am not sure what  has instigated this current need of mine  to scrutinize, when and why, I offer consolation. Possibly the stage of life I have entered. Certainly there are many situations  in which  I am grateful that I have the resource, impulse, desire  to soothe, to comfort, to empathize.    But there are tragedies