Brokenness As Inspiration

“Everybody here Is infirm. Everybody here is infirm. Oh. Mend me. Mend me. Lord.Today I Say to them Say to them say to them, Lord: Look! I am beautiful, beautiful with My wing that is wounded My eye that is bonded Or my ear not funded Or my walk all a-wobble I’m enough to be

The Conscoius Mind of Dreams

During REM sleep the back of the brain is relatively inactive and memory recall is poor. But part of the cerebral cortex across the middle of the head is very active.  This area deals with complex associations(including visual associations) and has close ties with coordinators near the brain’s center , which are also very active.

Companioning in Psychotherapy

“The ART OF LIVING is, in its essential meaning, a development and transformation of the power of inward choice. It is of all the creative arts the most difficult and the most distinguished.” (Wickes 1963) To be invited into another person’s deeply personal terrain is humbling to me. Initially I cannot know where we will