Wise Confusion

I stopped writing posts after Trump was elected and the subsequent chaos and ugliness that followed. I was determined to contribute what ever I had to add to the conversation about being human. It did not format into blogposts. I felt too confused by the immensity of strife and loss. I went local, found ways

Raging Against Our Neediness

When dependency needs in childhood are denied, the child is made ashamed of his/her own needs repeatedly…   The rage he/she feels towards the neglectful parents is used to repress the neediness about which now even he/she has grown intolerant.   So the aggressive energies of the psyche are turned back upon the dependent aspects

Not Offering Consolation….

I am not sure what  has instigated this current need of mine  to scrutinize, when and why, I offer consolation. Possibly the stage of life I have entered. Certainly there are many situations  in which  I am grateful that I have the resource, impulse, desire  to soothe, to comfort, to empathize.    But there are tragedies

Becoming Resilient Enough To Be Vulnerable

This photo is from my illustration from the book I  am writing about the  mutually derived experiences  formed as  patients have permitted  me to come  close to the  concealed  portions of their  unearthed self. Now with almost 3 decades  behind me and still with me, I am attempting to delineate the particular components that would

Nourishing Goodbyes: Group Sandplay

Group Sandplay Process: Saying goodbye is never easy, if it is a real goodbye.  Every goodbye echoes former losses. A cherished member of the ongoing adult  psychotherapy group was leaving.  I cannot share the actual event but I did want to  describe the  experiential that  I created in my attempt to  fortify the  connections between