Meeting Places

Private Entrance I have been practicing psychotherapy for almost 30 years and yet I still find the act of entering into private territory so delicate a process. There is often a tension within me, for there is  a part of me that regards the rights of personal privacy highly.  Yet this practice of engagement is

Self and Mutual Creation

The Integral Quest of Becoming Ourselves “Creation myths are of a different class from other myths, hero myths or fairy tales for instance-for when they are told there is always a certain solemnity that gives them a central importance; they convey a mood which implies that what is said will concern the basic things of

Mythology of The Soul

Mythology of The Soul I was in a  library dedicated to  archives of Joseph Campbell, Marjita Gimbutas, James Hillman, and  Joseph Wheelwright to name a few.  What  I found compelling  was to peruse the actual personal collections that these writers utilized to  develop their own thinking.  Who did they lean on, confer with, dispute  with

Sharing The Mystery of Personal Terrain

Dream Lion Traveling I am working on a series of illustrations for my book,    (Working title) Mended Wings:       Brokenness As Inspiration This illustration is about the inner journey. Here I depict that interior realm replete with it’s own symbol language. There are two people in each little boat navigating the river together. If just