I have been immersed in research as I develop the theoretical construct of the book I am still in the process of writing. When I made this commitment to write this book, I never imagined what level of commitment I was making. If I had known both the delight and the burden it would be,
Seja Rachael MA,LPC-S a psychotherapist for three decades, provides insights formed through her experiences with patients.
Meeting Places: The Elusive Engagement of Memory and Desire: Book Excerpt
: Mended Wings, Brokenness and Inspiration When a child is deprived of basic relational sustenance other resources must be employed. Emory entered his little world like all creatures, reliant on others for nourishment and protection from danger. At first, these were provided, if barely
Dissolving and Creating
Many of the people that come to see me in my practice me are “creatives,” artists, musicians, writers, actors. When they enter a cycle of deep integral change and the familiar ways of approaching their life no longer offer clarity or comfort, I remind them of the cycles in a creative process. One begins inspired, magnetically
Holiday Hopes and Sad /Happy Dreams
This time may conjure up an earlier naive self. The one who still hopes this time will be all one could wish for. Take care of that self, be tender.
Dark Is Not The Opposite of Light
I took this photo of a mural I came across while wandering in the Mission in San Francisco some years ago. It still knocks my socks off. I stood for a long time in front of it. I wanted to light a candle right there in the alley to such a basic hard earned and