Breaking The Spell of Isolation

 Everybody here
 Is infirm.
 Everybody here is infirm.              
 Oh. Mend me. Mend me. Lord.
 Today I
 Say to them
 Say to them say to them, Lord:
 Look! I am beautiful, beautiful with
 My wing that is wounded
 My eye that is bonded
 Or my ear not funded
 Or my walk all a-wobble
 I’m enough to be beautiful.
 You are
 beautiful too.
 Gwendolyn Brooks
The poet Gwendolyn Brooks
with a stroke of her pen 
asserts our commonality
and dispels
this  binding enchantment
drenched  in the shame
that harms
any intimate  connection
We come together somehow
with  our wobble walk and funded ear 
no longer disinherited from our splendor.  
When a patients comes to me  distraught with this antagonistic collision                            self regard and self disgust in  avid competition …. I search for their beauty 
and it is always there      often quiet hesitant 
A  wing folded over it       for protection
Reminding me of the gentle course that must be taken.