The last post I referred to a poem about one of the many night stars being brought down into the depth of the dark to bring just enough light to see in the dark. The wise teller of that story knew that only one star, not more was needed. Relief is necessary and joy is too. But it is not always the way to enlightenment. I respect this realm where light can only accompany the dark but not control it. When a patient comes to me from this place I try to become quiet enough not to disrupt and then I look for the way to reach them.
For it is hard to be ever alone in the place of little light.
For it is hard to be ever alone in the place of little light.
So I make my way as best I can
And they help guide me.
Sometimes I find it easily
Sometimes I blunder clumsily.
Sometimes I come too close
and sometimes
I am not near enough.
But I try to be there
and I don’t give up
And if i cannot see well enough
I just wait and
listen and listen and listen…