I have been leading groups for many years. When the session is over and all the members are gone, I sit in my cozy red chair and feel what is left in the room. In the last few years I have included the use of a group sand tray process. Particularly when the group is transitioning into a deeper level of connection.
The sandplay process has its own magic, unearthing what has been unfolding, explicit and implicit, similar to a waking dream. This small rectangle box of crystaline sand with miniatures of mythic Gods and hobby horses, pistols and devils, wheelbarrows and babies, towers and stones, invites a narrative that demands no language, no overt knowns. The tray holds the secrets at the same time it reveals them. There is a sense of palpable relief as people become safer and safer with each other.

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While some psychotherapeutic interventions are designed to treat the patient using the medical model, many psychotherapeutic approaches do not adhere to the symptom-based model of “illness/cure”. Some practitioners, such as humanistic therapists, see themselves more in a facilitative/helper role. As sensitive and deeply personal topics are often discussed during psychotherapy, therapists are expected, and usually legally bound, to respect client or patient confidentiality. The critical importance of confidentiality is enshrined in the regulatory psychotherapeutic organizations’ codes of ethical practice.
The psychotherapy practiced by therapists from these disciplines can come from any of the “schools” of therapy described above. While the dispensation of medication is reserved to psychiatrists and to some specially certified nurses, the quality of psychotherapy does not vary from one discipline to the next. It varies more as a result of the knowledge, experience and “style” of the individual therapist. Call us for help in locating a suitable therapist for your needs.
psychotherapy Massachusetts