The Present and The Past

I want to dedicate this post to my dear friend and colleague Lynn Lichtenfels who passed to the next realm a few days ago. She lived her life so full of aliveness and she dreamed just as fervently. Many will miss her, as I do.

I will also dedicate my talk to her that I am giving on Wednesday,February 10th, 7:15 -9:00 offered by Austin Society of Psychoanalytic Psychology( ), entitled,

The Imaginal Realm: A Bridge to Self and Relational Intimacy.

I do invite people to this experiential presentation. I include here a small portion of my introduction.

Mended Wings Brokenness as Inspiration

This is about the profound, risky and essential process that we are witness to when we have patients that need to lose themselves in order to find themselves. Not lose themselves gently or partially but almost completely. This narrative illustrates the process of breaking down, when the parts that have formed the primary identity of the self : break into pieces. Some pieces re-adhere, others change shape or fall deep into slumber, while others are sharply awakened. It is about the gathering of those pieces as they fly up or fall below and how this becomes a progressive formation of interpersonal chemistry. This is about the intimacy that can occur between patient and psychotherapist when this richly laden world is laid open between us.

I re- light my candle today for all those passing, for all those that have passed and for us who currently remain.