Creativity As An Agent For Negotiating the Deep Psyche

This photograph I created for my last post, Little Worlds, about the uniquely personal  society generated through  an ongoing group therapy experience. The image stayed with me, caught me unaware.   The photo both playful and shadowy  invited a tale. I will begin this story here as a   way to illustrate how the creative process can unearth some deep material that is difficult to access directly .

The ghost( formerly known as Harry), in his prior life as a 44 year old man, but now an ageless, gender free ghost, loved life or rather enjoyed the substance of the  days.  These days were composed of much variety of weather as were the in-corruptible nights, (although grey light was preferred and today was certainly grey). The ghost had an elegant disposition, often solitary,  a watcher rather than a be-er,  was bemused to find  itself here in the Gobi desert at mid-evening accompanied by a storyteller and many young listeners.
    Beside the ghost, The Storyteller, sitting solidly on several planes with children rapt and sheltered on her earth body,  often had listeners abiding with  her, the seen and the unseen , and  never bothered to speculate, as to the existence of her companions. Yet this ghost,( formerly known as Harry)affected her most keenly…..

My next post we will look a the specific and non- specific  elements activated in this process.