Knowing Centered On The Self

“Wakefulness and consciousness tend to go together,… One exceptions occurs when we are in the state of dream sleep. We are obviously not awake during dream sleep and yet some consciousness of the events are taking place in the mind. Wakefulness is not the same as consciousness. In wakefulness the dream and mind are “on” […]

Tigers Composing

I am playing with this notion of mind that creativity  is one realm where varied levels of consciousness are necessary. Sometimes we  depend on that upright alertness, that mental acuity which relies on good access to working memory which is seated in the prefrontal lobe. These  are  the  times when all the senses are enlivened […]

Creative Consciousness

I am now attempting to define consciousness which is  such a vast territory and I didn’t intend to do this.   I intended to revel in the entry way to and from the intimacy  of the self, particularly from a  psychotherapists perspective.  This was  how I would begin to substantiate that a deep and lively engagement […]

Levels of Consciousness

“Dreams are not just accidents of Nature. Rather, they are about a nightly process directed at improving the content of the mind. It is emotionally driven,it combines memories in unusual ways. It works with a broader range of memories than those normally available to the conscious mind when the dreamer is awake. So it is […]