The Little World

I write this  post just before my new group begins . We have met only a short while but already it has impacted me.   Initially I am the catalyst.   I gather the people. I meet with  them and take the time needed  to to prepare them for the deeply evocative nature of  creating group intimacy.  […]

Death and Love and Creativity

It was originally a simple quest.  I was initiating a new group process and in my narrative, inviting those interested in group therapy to consider my new group, as well as providing a context for colleagues to offer appropriate referrals. Not untypical of me, this led me to a much more intricate experience which I […]

What Is Still Becoming

       In this post I continue to search for the roots of my current expression as a group psychotherapist. Although my work has been informed by contemporary psychoanalytic theory and  Jungian psychology and  reinforced with attachment theory and inter- relational dynamics, this eclectic mix  was influenced by my training an experience in  expressive creativity as […]

Fighting and Making Up WIth Brain Science

      In my last post, Organizing The In-effable, I  found that my attempt to simply describe my approach to Group Process had led me backwards to search for the roots of my work. This post continues the search.       What were these inquiries ? What was the elemental field that I was trying […]

Organizing The Ineffable

       It was Passover 1982 in Cambridgeport Massachusetts. I was part of a community  of other performing artists and writers. Our desire  to provide an eclectic  community offering with an open invite for anyone who needed a Passover place to come, was greeted with an extravagant response.  Many religions and nationalities and points of view […]